French Books on Wheels Inc
Promotion of French culture in Australia through books & magazines


How can we help you?
During our trips, we visit schools, Alliances Françaises, Playgroups, etc.
We will try to accommodate your request if it can fit into our schedule.
During our visits, we may:
- establish a dialogue with students, adapting to their age and level of French
- talk about magazines, children's books, Bandes Dessinées, etc
- tell a story in French or in English introducing some words in French
- Sing a song for the little ones
We do not charge for our visits. All we ask is that the school invests in resources for the benefit of the students and invites parents to come and talk to us. We are always happy to give advice regarding complementing their learning at school with adapted material.
The association
French Books on Wheels Inc (Le Van du Livre) is registered as a not-for-profit association in Australia. The project aims at meeting francophiles and francophones and familiarising them with French language publications through cultural exchanges all over Australia. With our main partners 'Le Forum - French press in your letter box' - and Bayard Presse educational magazines, a selection of magazines and books are for sale in the van.
French Books on Wheels Inc (Le Van du Livre) est une association enregistrée en Australie. Son but est de favoriser les échanges culturels avec les francophones et francophiles d'Australie. 'Le Forum - toute la presse française par abonnement ' et Bayard Presse, les partenaires principaux de l'opération 'Le Van du Livre' proposent à la vente une sélection de magazines et livres.
Who are we?
Anne Mangeant has been living in Australia for over 20 years and is representing Bayard and Milan Presse, the educational magazines for children and young adults.
Anne Mangeant vit en Australie depuis 20 ans où elle représente les magazines de presse jeunesse Bayard et Milan.
Jacques Bernard set up the first and only French bookshop - Le Forum - in Australia, in 2004. He has been very active in the Association Internationale des Libraires Francophones - AILF - which is based in Paris. In 2015, he was awarded the French medal of Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by Fleur Pellerin (Minister of Culture & Communication).
Jacques Bernard a établi fin 2004 en Australie l'unique librairie francophone - Le Forum. Il a été membre actif de l'Association Internationale des Libraires Francophones - AILF - basée à Paris. In 2015, il a été nommé par Fleur Pellerin (Ministre de la culture et de la communication) Chevalier de l'ordre des Arts et des Lettres.
Technical information
The van is a Toyota Coaster (similar to a 21 seater school bus). All passenger seats have been replaced with customized furniture accommodating all resources and a private area (Cooker, fridge, toilets, shower, bed, etc). It is fully self-contained and equipped with a solar panel on the roof.
It measures 6.7m long, 2m large, 2.7m high with a 2 m side awning.
- If you see us on the road, feel free to call us or come and say hello!
- Want to get some advice on what is suitable for your learning experience, talk to us...
- "Le prix des livres est aligné sur celui des repas. Un livre de poche correspond à un sandwich ou un hamburger, un livre d'art ou une édition originale à l'addition dans un restaurant gastronomique. Mais à prix égal, c'est toujours le livre que le public trouve trop coûteux, alors qu'il s'émerveille de la somme modique du repas."
- Pense-bêtes, Roland Topor, éd. Le Cherche Midi, coll. Les Pensées, 1992