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If you want to discover more about French culture, please find our partners and favourite links below.

A selection of publications to subscribe to

Le Forum is the main partner in this project. some resources available in Le Van du Livre are also available online at

Educational Magazines - 0 to 19 years old

French educational magazines for all tastes and all ages at home or at school. Subscribe for a year! For all information and subscription, please contact Anne

Mob: 0413 477 229 e-mail: - Code Délégué: E20

A complete catalogue of publications to subscribe to

L'association UNI-Presse a pour vocation d'assurer la promotion et le rayonnement de la culture et de la langue française dans le monde. UNI-Presse permet de s'abonner à plus de 650 titres de la presse française. Le Forum est le représentant d'Uni-Presse en Australie et Nouvelle-Zélande.

The mission of the UNI-Presse association is to encourage and promote French culture and language throughout the world. Thanks to UNI-Presse, you can subscribe to over 600 publications from the French Press. In Australia and New Zealand, Uni-Presse is represented by Le Forum.

Ce projet est soutenu par l'Ambassade de France en Australie

This project benefits from the support of the French embassy in Australia.

SBS French is the media partner for Le Van du Livre. There are 4 French radio programs in a week: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at 1pm (EST). Listen to us on the Saturday program.

SBS French est le partenaire du Van du Livre. Toutes les semaines, 4 émissions en français: mardi, jeudi, samedi et dimanche de 13h à 14h (EST). Ecoutez-nous dans l'émission du samedi! 

Établissement public du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, le Centre national du livre a pour mission de soutenir, grâce à différents dispositifs et commissions, tous les acteurs de la chaîne du livre : auteurs, éditeurs, libraires, bibliothécaires, organisateurs de manifestations littéraires. Il participe ainsi activement au rayonnement et à la création francophone.

The CNL is a public institution of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication. Its mission is to support all the participants in the publishing process – authors, publishers, booksellers, librarians, and those who organize literary events – via various measures and commissions. It thus plays an active role in francophone creativity and dissemination.


Please e-mail us at to discuss the conditions for your company to appear as a partner.

Merci de nous contacter à si vous souhaitez que votre entreprise figure à et emplacement comme partenaire du projet.

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